I was inspired by the recent result of Ekholm, White, and Wienholtz that a stationary minimal surface in Rn, whose boundary curve has total curvature at most 4 pi, must be embedded. The paper was published in Annals of Mathematics 155 (2002), 109-234. See the Postscript version. Their result implies the well-known Fáry-Milnor theorem on the total curvature of knots in R3. Jaigyoung Choe and I took up the challenge to extend their result, with an appropriately modified hypothesis, to space forms and to manifolds of variable curvature. We showed that in a space form of constant sectional curvature K0, if the total curvature of a curve, plus the supremum of K0 times the area of cones over the curve with vertex in the convex hull, is at most 4 pi, then any minimal surface with that curve as boundary must be embedded. These hypotheses are sharp. Moreover, If K0 is nonpositive, then the same result holds in a manifold whose sectional curvatures are bounded above by K0 [44]. This implies the unknotting theorem of Alexander-Bishop and of Schmitz in Hadamard manifolds, as well as some new unknotting results. See the Postscript version or the PDF version. I reported on this work, and on possible analogous density estimates for mean-curvature flow, at the Workshop on Geometric Evolution Equations held at NCTS in Hsinchu, Taiwan in July, 2002. My paper [47] for the Proceedings of that workshop is available in the Postscript version or the PDF version. |
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Sumio and I have writen a more general paper [59], based on a different notion of total curvature. Anticipating this second paper, I wrote up a partial summary of the results in the summary of total curvature of graphs (see [58]). In particular, different notions of total curvature are compared, each useful in a different context. One of these is Taniyama's TC(C) for a graph C. |
[44]. Embedded Minimal surfaces and Total Curvature of Curves in a
Manifold (with Jaigyoung Choe). Math. Research
Letters 10, 343--362 (2003).
Postscript version or
PDF version.
[47]. "Density Estimates for Minimal Surfaces and Surfaces Flowing by
Mean Curvature." In Proceedings of Workshop on Geometric
Evolution Equations, NCTS, Taiwan (July 2002). Contemporary
Mathematics v. 367, 129-140 (2005).
Postscript version or
PDF version.
[48]. Area Density and Regularity for Soap Film-Like Surfaces Spanning
Graphs (with Sumio Yamada). Math. Zeitschrift 253,
315--331 (2006). PDF version.
[49]. Total Curvature of Graphs in Space.
Quarterly Journal Pure and Appl. Math. 3, 773--783 (2007).
PDF version.
[62]. Total Curvature and isotopy of graphs in $R^3$ (with Sumio
Yamada), ArXiv:0806.0406. PDF version.
[51]. Regularity of soap film-like surfaces spanning graphs in
a Riemannian manifold (with Sung-ho Park, Juncheol Pyo, and Keomkyo Seo)
to appear in the Journal of the Korean Math Society.