hfw's Home Page Welcome to the page of Hans Weinberger.

Recent Manuscripts and papers:

The approximate controllability of a model for mutant selection <\A>
The retreat of the less fit allele in a population-controlled model for population genetics <\A>
On sufficient conditions for a linearly determinate spreading speed <\A>
An extension of the formula for spreading speeds <\A>
Spreading speeds for a partially cooperative 2-species reaction-diffusion model <\A>
Existence of traveling waves for integral recursions with nonmonotone growth functions <\A>
Spreading speeds of spatially periodic integro-difference models for populations with non-monotone recruitment functions <\A>
Anomalous spreading speeds of cooperative recursion systems <\A>
Spreading speeds as slowest wave speeds for cooperative systems
On p-homogeneous systems of differential equations and their linear perturbations
Inward linear perturbation can produce unbounded solutions
Pest control may make the pest population explode
Necessary conditions for the optimality of an extrusion die for a rigid-plastic material
On spreading speeds and travelling waves for growth and migration models in a periodic habitat
Analysis of linear determinacy for spread in cooperative models
Spreading speed and the linear conjecture for two-species competition models
An extension of Fichera's eigenvalue bounds
Fichera's method for bounding eigenvalues
An example of blowup produced by equal diffusions
On dualizing a multivariable Poisson summation formula
On the nonexistence of ideal forming operations for extrusion and drawing dies
On optimal extrusion dies for rigid-plastic materials
On matrices for which norm bounds are attained
Boundary and initial boundary-value problems for separable backward-forward parabolic problems
Long-time behavior of a class of biological models <\A>
Multidimensional nonlinear diffusion arising in population genetics
Nonlinear diffusion in population genetics, combustion, and nerve pulse propagation
Invariant sets for weakly coupled hyperbolic and parabolic systems
Some isoperimetric inequalities for membrane frequencies and torsional rigidity
New bounds for solutions of second order elliptic partial differential equations
New bounds in harmonic and biharmonic problems, J.~Math.~Phys.~33 (1955) <\A>
Curriculum vitae
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