My first mathematical research largely resolved the problem of branch points of parametric two-dimensional minimal surfaces and surfaces of prescribed mean curvature (prescribed mean curvature vector, for codimension > 1).

[6]. Regularity of Minimizing Surfaces of Prescribed Mean Curvature, Annals of Mathematics 97, 275-305 (1973).
[13]. Branched Immersions of Surfaces and Reduction of Topological Type, I: Math. Z. 145, 267-288 (1975).
[15]. Finiteness of the Ramified Set for Branched Immersions of Surfaces, Pacific J. Math. 64, 153-166 (1976).
[17]. Branched Immersions of Surfaces and Reduction of Topological Type, II: Math. Annalen 230, 25-48 (1977).
[9]. On Boundary Branch Points of Minimizing Surfaces, Archive Rational Mech. Anal. 52, 20-25 (1973) (with Frank David Lesley).
[34]. A Minimal Surface with an Atypical Boundary Branch Point, pp. 211-228 of Differential Geometry: a Symposium in honor of Manfredo P. do Carmo, B. Lawson and K. Tenenblat, eds., Longman, Harlow 1991.